

Completion Ceremony for First-Term Overseas Educational Training (Taiwan) Project Students

The Course for School Teachers at Osaka Kyoiku University held a completion ceremony on February 19 at the Kashiwara Campus for AY2013 first-term students participating in the Overseas Education Training (Taiwan) Project.
The program was established by OKU as part of its Graduate School Education Improvement Project.
All seven students who completed the program attended the ceremony, where they received certificates of completion from the Chair of Course for School Teachers Masato Ishida. The students then each delivered remarks expressing thanks for how their activities in the project had proven to be valuable experiences in their growth as educators. Letters of appreciation were then hand delivered to working group faculty members who had provided support for exchange activities in a variety of ways.
In his remarks to the smiling students, Professor Ishida noted that the project represented an experiment with no parallel at any other Japanese university. "You have played an important role for us as first-term students pioneering this project and set an example for future students to come. I hope we can put your achievements to work in our efforts to further enhance and build the project's activities next year and thereafter."
