
Sports Sciences

Sports Sciences, Department of Educational Collaboration

Athletes with sports instruction skills

Sports Sciences strives to cultivate instructors who have excellent practical skills in sports by addressing theoretical and practical issues to improve various styles of teaching skills, grounded in an education-focused mindset that is the key feature of this department. Contemporary sports instructors are required to meet the athletic needs of people from diverse social backgrounds and ages in an effort to achieve a society of lifelong learning. They have to be able to work in various sports settings focused around school education, community recreational sports, and sports-related industries. For this reason, we refer to the basic skills required for instruction as an education-focused mindset, emphasize the ability to cultivate and coach children, which are the most important skills for sports instructors, and teach an understanding of contemporary education, applied fundamental skills, and collaboration skills. We also strive to cultivate individuals who have a theoretical base and instruction (coaching) skills grounded in a wide range of outstanding fitness skills and experience.

Prospective Students

  • Individual who has a strong interest in and enthusiasm toward sports education
  • Individual who wants to be a sports instructor engaged in cultivating children
  • Individual who wants to be a school or community sports instructor

Educational Goals 1

A practical, versatile approach to sports

We cultivate knowledge and skills related to sports in classes aimed at improving teaching skills in subjects and in classes designed to improve practical skills.

Educational Goals 2

Develop teaching skills grounded in physical training

In sports classes, participants must build on their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. While taking health and physical education classes and cooperative systems, students have access to consultations from specialists in various fields. They improve their physical training skills as well as their coaching skills, which are grounded in those physical training skills.